Savvy Insights.
Creating a LOB App with WSS and Word – Part 2: Retrieving Information Using the List Data Retrieval Web Service
In Part 1 of this series, we covered how to create a new Word 2007 ribbon that shows and hides the Actions Pane. Today we’re going to see how course [...]
Person.aspx Navigation
For those of you who might have noticed, the top navigation disappears when you're viewing someone else's profile using the Person.aspx page. This behavior seems very mysterious, considering the navigation appears [...]
What is “Web 3.0”?
I saw a blog entry on that asked the question "'What is Web 3.0' and Should You Care?" According to one person the blogger talked to, Web 3.0 already [...]
Creating a Line of Business Application with SharePoint and Word 2007 – Part 1: Creating the Ribbon and Actions Pane Control
For those of you who attended the most recent St. Louis MOSS Camp, you know I presented a topic on SharePoint and OpenXML. I thought it would be helpful to [...]
Last SharePoint MCTS Achieved!
At long last, I took the last of the Microsoft SharePoint exams. I successfully passed exam 70-630, Configuring Microsoft Office SharePoint Server.
Dynamic Link Conference 2009
On Saturday I attended the Dynamic Link '09 Conference at Calvin College. This was a conference headed up by Calvin IT professor Pat Bailey and facilitated and planned by Calvin IS [...]
Are You Clueless?
I will be helping facilitate a discussion group at an upcoming conference at my alma mater, Calvin College. The student leader of our discussion group, Ben Van Drunen, forwarded me [...]
Musings on Information Architecture in SharePoint Intranet Sites
Logical Organization and Security Building a collaboration and information-sharing platform is more akin to an art than a science, in the sense that are multiple ways of organizing content, and [...]
In just a few hours I'll be presenting at the St. Louis MOSS Camp. I'll be presenting on the topic of using SharePoint as a data source for Word Documents, [...]
Modified Comments List
I learned the hard way that anonymous users cannot kick off a new workflow. Someone had set up an automated spam-bot that kept submitting spammed comments to my blog on [...]
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