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Launched in 2019, STL Startup Week (STLSW) has become the city’s premier event series built by and for the region’s entrepreneurship community. Drawing from St. Louis’s diverse and vibrant startup ecosystem, STLSW convenes thousands of founders, supporters, students, and professionals. This five-day conference is designed to spark new ideas, foster meaningful connections, celebrate wins (big and small!), and promote shared learning and experiences.

STL Startup Week is intended for entrepreneurs, small business owners, professionals, investors, entrepreneur support organizations, students, and members of the innovation economy. Attendees hail from a wide variety of industries, including, but not limited to: technology, agriculture, art, consumer products, education, fashion, finance, food, health, manufacturing, media, real estate, and social enterprise.

The five daily tracks are: Marketing & Branding, People & Culture, Product & Design, Capital, and Growth.  Savvy’s owner, Becky Bertram, will be presenting, on Tuesday, November 12th.  Check out her session Going It Alone: Lessons on Running a Solo Consulting Practice.

Are you ready to make that leap from being an employee to a consultant? Striking out on your own as a one-person company is how many people make the transition into being an entrepreneur, but it can be a scary step. In this session, Becky Bertram, owner of Savvy Technical Solutions here in St. Louis, will talk through some of the character traits and work habits required to run your own consulting practice, as well as talk about some of the technological tools that can help. Becky will share her personal experience as a woman who worked over 20 years in a solo role as a technology consultant, all while birthing and raising 3 children.